For decades, North Dakota has reinvested coal and oil and gas taxes into programs that are leading the nation in energy and agriculture transformation while preserving the state’s production, transportation and utilization of natural resources.

While other governments are creating rules and mandates, North Dakota is leveraging innovation before regulation. Strategic public-private partnerships are influencing industries to be better environmental stewards to meet growing global demands for energy and food production.

This is the unique story that North Dakota needs to share.

Over half of North Dakota’s economy prospers from its robust energy and agriculture sectors, which serve as the foundation for sustaining and improving livelihoods.

Access to reliable and affordable food and energy is essential for driving economic growth and prosperity, and North Dakota’s abundant natural resources serve a pivotal role in meeting both domestic and global demands. However, these sectors face challenges from the market-driven Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement and government climate mandates, which closely examine energy sources and agricultural methods. In light of these challenges, North Dakota is actively evaluating the situation and devising strategies to protect its economy and conserve its natural resources, while also recognizing economic opportunities.

Blueprint for North Dakota’s Sustainable Integrity & Transformation

Meet the Steering Committee members

The findings

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